Learn About Marie Adams
Scholarly Attainment
Marie earned a Doctorate of Education in Applied Psychology at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, University of Toronto, in 1996. She began her post-secondary academic endeavors at the University of Saskatchewan in 1963, where she earned a four-year Bachelor of Education Degree. In 1982, she continued her studies at York University where she achieved a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in Psychology.
A Passionate Professor
Since 1982, Marie has been a professor at Centennial College, where she has enjoyed teaching psychology, sociology, and biology. She has been a coordinator and Chair of the General Arts and Science Program. For one year, she was seconded by the office of the Vice President Academic and served as a researcher when Centennial College developed its Academic Framework. Marie has also presented at conferences and served on many of the college committees.
Marie Struggle with Adoption Breakdown
Marie and her husband Rod Adams had four children: two biological and two adopted. They experienced a very difficult time with their adopted son, and this brought them to Dr. Harvey Armstrong and the Family Court Clinic. They became members of a parents support group that was initiated by Dr. Armstrong as a pilot project in the early '80s.
Going the Extra Mile
In 1994, after training with Dr. Harvey Armstrong and Corinne Wilkes, Marie received a Certificate in Group Psychotherapy. Together with a partner, she established the Parents for Youth support groups in Newmarket in 1995. As the group leader, Marie has presented herself at workshops and seminars, which have trained new group leaders. She Also appeared on several live radio interviews and television guest appearances.
Marie’s Family Today
Marie is on the board of the Centennial College Retiree's Association. Marie and Rod continues to travel around the world. They have visited Europe, Asia, Central, and South America. Aside from traveling, they are into golf and cross-country skiing. Marie and Rod enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren.